Apache School Practicum
LLSS 315: Educating Linguistically Diverse Students
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What a experience it was working with the fourth graders from Mrs. Bradshaw's class. It was really unique in the sense we were able to really get to know these students and help them create a piece of family history. I had really no prior experience working as a writing coach and quickly learned it is all about adapting to your students. Just because I thought they should be doing something a certain way did not necessarily mean that is something they were capable of or even wanted to do. Once I realized this and began changing myself, things really turned around for the positive. I learned a lot about patience and accepting fourth graders just work at a different pace than I do.
In the end both of my fourth graders produced great stories. Most importantly, their stories meant something to them. At the end of the day that is what our goal was as writing coaches to allow our students to produce something they could be proud of and stand up and share with their families. The final product made the stress and time crunches worth it! I'm so thankful for this experience and know I will treasure the anthology of all of our stories!

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